10 Easy and Actionable Last Minute Hurricane Preparation Tips to Keep Your Family and Home Safe

What last minute preparation can you do as the storm is charging at you? Here are 10 easy and actionable ways to prepare for the impending hurricane so that you survive and thrive in the hurricane (or other natural disaster).

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Hurricane Preparation Checklist | Disaster Prepping

Complete Hurricane Preparation checklist and inventory list

After Hurricanes Irma and Maria ravaged the Caribbean, I started a list of supplies and preparation checklist for next Hurricane Season.

While I hope no one ever experiences the devastation and MONTHS without basic services like water and electricity, this is my preparation checklist to ensure that my household is stocked and as ready as possible for a tropical storm, hurricane, or other natural disasters.

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Memorable Moments of 2017 with JenThereDoneThat

Memorable Moments of 2017 JenThereDoneThat2017 was full of adventure and challenges that made for some memorable moments that I will never forget. Some of my worst travel moments include the usual cancelled flights, luggage that went on a different vacation than me, Instagram-famous spots that are a disappointment IRL, and watching some of the best plans crumbled before my eyes.

2017 was also filled with memorable experiences, new friends, my first kitten, fantastic dinners, luxurious spa treatments, accomplishments, and natural disasters.  Here are the most memorable moments of 2017 Continue reading “Memorable Moments of 2017 with JenThereDoneThat”

What is a Frugal Lifestyle

What does frugal living mean to you?

Recently, we downsized to a smaller home and made other frugal lifestyle changes.  I like the The Dollar Stretcher statement, “Frugal is Using Money Thoughtfully”.  Spending money (or not) should be a well thought out decision, rather than merely a reaction or just picking the cheapest option.coins

First, the difference between being frugal versus cheap.  While attending University, I was broke and the cheapest options were the only way to keep food in my tummy and a roof over my head, in order to not incur massive student loan debt.  I lived in the least expensive (and terrible) neighborhood close to campus and made every sacrifice in comfort.   When you are broke, often the only choice is whatever is the lowest price option or do without when that is even too much money.  After graduation, my career took off and I left cheap behind!  To me, being frugal is all about priorities and choices, cheap is settling for what is left.  Like most people, my lifestyle was cheap due to my own decisions and priorities.  I could have lived in a beautiful apartment for the same price as my tuition!

Being frugal is searching for the best value option, while cheap is the sacrifice of quality and value.

IMG_1308 - CopyMy current frugal lifestyle is extravagant luxury compared to those years in school.  I eat very well, travel, buy nice cars, and can afford activities like scuba diving.  I still consider myself frugal, and consider how and why I spend money.  Paying off all (interest bearing) debt was a priority for me, and here is how I paid off all of my debt.  I do not owe creditors, and I certainly do not pay interest to borrow money.

  • I look at frequency of my spend (weekly habits really add up) and reoccurring expenses.  Monthly cable bill is a luxury that I do not need and more savings ideas here.
  • I do not clip coupons or worry about a few pennies here or there, the payoff is not worth my time.
  • I stock up on my regular items during a sale, and I buy non-perishable (toilet paper and consumables) items in bulk for cost savings.
  • I join rewards programs for grocery stores, food, clothing, hotel and travel, and “regular” purchases, even if only once a year.
  • Then I stay informed on perks and promotions from those loyalty programs to score my airline upgrades, free hotel stays, bulk sales, clothing discounts, and other money saving offers.
  • I compare prices.  When out shopping I will double check prices on Amazon and eBay compared to in store.  Sometimes Target really does have the best price, and I can take it home immediately!  Whatever the item, I buy with confidence that I got a good deal.

Solo Travel Guide | Making the Most of Your Solo Travels While Staying Safe

Travelling solo sounds like a lonely, dangerous activity, but with some common sense strategies travelling alone can be a great way to relax and have a vacation just for YOU.

Solo Travel Guide

For many years I was a road warrior.  I traveled for business (often by myself), vacation alone, and many solo road trips.  By choice or necessity, travelling solo is a rewarding experience that I highly recommend.

If given a choice, why would I want I want to travel alone?

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