Hurricane Preparation Checklist | Disaster Prepping

Complete Hurricane Preparation checklist and inventory list

After Hurricanes Irma and Maria ravaged the Caribbean, I started a list of supplies and preparation checklist for next Hurricane Season.

While I hope no one ever experiences the devastation and MONTHS without basic services like water and electricity, this is my preparation checklist to ensure that my household is stocked and as ready as possible for a tropical storm, hurricane, or other natural disasters.

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Memorable Moments of 2017 with JenThereDoneThat

Memorable Moments of 2017 JenThereDoneThat2017 was full of adventure and challenges that made for some memorable moments that I will never forget. Some of my worst travel moments include the usual cancelled flights, luggage that went on a different vacation than me, Instagram-famous spots that are a disappointment IRL, and watching some of the best plans crumbled before my eyes.

2017 was also filled with memorable experiences, new friends, my first kitten, fantastic dinners, luxurious spa treatments, accomplishments, and natural disasters.  Here are the most memorable moments of 2017 Continue reading “Memorable Moments of 2017 with JenThereDoneThat”