Mayagüez, Puerto Rico | Architectural Gem of the West

Mayagüez is a living time capsule for the early 1900’s, specifically the Art Deco style architecture from the 1920’s. Blending the modern elements of Art Deco and the traditional Spanish architecture makes Mayagüez so uniquely special.
This self guided walking tour of the old city center is the perfect way to explore and enjoy the architectural gems.

Mayagüez, Puerto Rico is an architectural gem and absolutely worth a visit. Beyond the architecture, Mayagüez boasts incredible restaurants, small town charm, and incredible ocean views.

Founded on September 18, 1760, Mayagüez started with humble beginnings first as a simple Spanish town, then elevated to status of villa, and now it is the 8th largest population municipality of Puerto Rico. It is affectionately referred to as the Capital of the West.

Colon Plaza City Center in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Colon Plaza City Center in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico

While not my first visit, I was able to spend several days in the oldest part of the city. The highlight of this visit for me is touring the various styles of architecture, especially impressive is that most of these buildings are within a 2 block radius. It is fascinating how much there is to see simply walking around.

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Museum of Art and Centro Bellas de Artes in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Explore the incredible Art scene of San Juan, Puerto Rico at the Museo de Arts de Puerto Rico and the surrounding neighborhood.

2016 CenterBellaArt3

Puerto Rico is known for amazing beaches and a variety of rum drinks, including the famous Pina Colada.  What about Art?  Today, I set out to explore the art scene in Puerto Rico, starting with the capital of San Juan.

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Seattle and Tacoma Glass Tour | Exploring the Pacific Northwest Glass Art Scene

More than just the home of Starbucks, Seattle and nearby Tacoma in Washington state are a Mecca for  glass art.  In every hotel, street corner, Seattle center, and all around the Seatac area are beautiful displays of glass.  On many earlier trips I noticed the glass, but never knew the story.

On this visit to Seattle I found myself in Tacoma for 4 days and 3 nights in the middle of my Seattle visit.  I remember driving through and around Tacoma, but this was the first time that I spent more than a few hours there.  Over the course of these few days, I discovered a few things. Continue reading “Seattle and Tacoma Glass Tour | Exploring the Pacific Northwest Glass Art Scene”