Why I Blog

I have been a bit lazy about posts lately.  Several times I have thought that I need to write something to stay current.  And from that statement, I remember that is not why I write this and my other blog.
I originally started writing 2MorrowsDress.com blog for therapeutic reasons.  After closing my retail dress store I felt relieved and a bit empty inside (not just my back account).  I poured my heart & soul into my business.  I learned I can push myself farther than I ever thought.  I learned that I love working for myself.  And I learned so many valuable lessons about life and business.
Sure, I could have started a personal journal as my creative outlet.  But there was actual content that I wanted to share with others.  Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words, but so many life lessons require more than just a picture book so I skip Instagram.  Perhaps I am old fashioned, Twitter makes my head hurt.  I like to write.  I like to communicate information, thoughts, and express my feelings.  Writing is an undervalued communication tool.  Regular blog posts keep my skills active and sharp.
A friend recently asked me to dig up a post from two years ago.  She remembered the article and wanted to share, as it so perfectly fit a situation in her life.  I was flattered that the article stuck with her for so long, and it still contained pertinent information.  This is why I write and share on multiple blogs.  I started JenThereDoneThat.com after a road trip with my Sister, discussing all of the out of the way, fun and interesting activities in my life and wanting to share those, too.
So, I am back.  Maybe you missed me.  Maybe this is the first post you have ever read from me.  Keep reading, there are many previous posts and there will be many more. I hope you like them.

Phoenix Symphony Hall

The summer heat in Phoenix is legendary.  Everyone is aware that it is a dry heat, not many realize that we also suffer a cultural drought all summer.  As it cools off, everything starts to bloom.  Symphony season is here to quench our thirst!

Symphony Hall Balcony seating
Symphony Hall Balcony seating

The 2014-2015 Symphony season is going strong at the Phoenix Symphony Hall.  The remodel in 2005 brought us excellent acoustics, upgraded lighting, and extra leg-room seating.  There really are no bad seats.  The first performance that I attended after the remodel, my seats were lower level third row from the back and still sounded amazing.  Previous seasons, I have sat in the balcony for a few shows.  The last couple years, we are now season ticket holders with premium lower level seats.  Every year as a season ticket holder leads to better seats.  Last week we even traded our Saturday night tickets for the same performance on Friday night, and managed to get tickets very close to our usual season ticket seating!

Symphony with soloist and choir
Symphony with soloist and choir

The Phoenix Symphony has a wide range of performances with special guest conductors, featured musicians, and something for every taste.  Some performances feature a full choir, a solo singer, and even “theme” events.

The seats offer great leg room and are extra wide.  However, there is a coat check for large or bulky coats, for the few weeks it is actually “chilly” in Phoenix.


Drinks are allowed in the Symphony Hall, so no need to rush to finish or go thirsty during a performance.  Intermission drinks can be pre-paid before the show to avoid a long line at “half-time”.  The drinks are prepared and placed on a table near the bar ordered with your name on it.  Hot and cold drinks are available, which is also nice for those chilly evenings or warm nights respectively.

There are many great restaurants downtown for dinner before the show, or drinks after.  Pedicabs (bicycle powered carts) are easily found downtown and cover a good distance to quickly take you to the show, dinner, or back to your car.  Drivers work off of tips, so bring cash.  We usually park near Symphony Hall and walk or take a pedicab to a nearby restaurant, then get another ride back to the show.

Phoenix Symphony has tickets available for a wide range of budgets of preferences.  Find a show, get your tickets, and have an enjoyable evening out supporting the arts!



Aji Spa & Salon Tour and Review | Sheraton Wild Horse Pass in Phoenix, Arizona

Aji spa and salon tour, plus review. Spoiler Alert: This is my favorite spa in Phoenix, Arizona.

Aji Spa is the best kept secret of Sheraton’s Wild Horse Pass Casino and Resort. The spa is positioned away from the cars, crowds, and casino, hidden behind the edge of the golf course and tennis center. Little did I know that Aji spa would be such a hidden oasis and my new favorite spa, but it almost wasn’t.

Continue reading “Aji Spa & Salon Tour and Review | Sheraton Wild Horse Pass in Phoenix, Arizona”

Tempe Center for the Arts

A friend of mine won tickets for a Production at Tempe Center for the Arts and was kind enough to invite me.  I watched this beautiful facility built several years ago (2007 was just a few years ago, okay) and this was my first visit.TCA_1

Sunday afternoon offered a ChildsPlay production, with shows ideally suited for young people.  This is a great opportunity to introduce children to the arts and etiquette of live performance.  The show included intermission and a Q&A session with the audience after the show.  Such a great event for children!

The center has ample parking and a nice view of Tempe Town Lake.  The refreshment bar offers snacks, drinks (including adult beverages), and outside patio seating.TCA_3The center has ample parking and a nice view of Tempe Town Lake.  The refreshment bar offers snacks, drinks (including adult beverages), and outside patio seating.TCA_2There are multiple auditoriums for shows, gift shop, and gallery.  I am very glad that I have finally been inside Tempe Center for the Arts and I look forward to future events there.



Mayans in Cancun, Mexico | Exploring Mayan History Steps from the Beach

The most well-known Mayan ruins and archaeological sites are in the interior of Mexico and Central America which can be difficult to visit, often requiring long car or bus rides.  The nearest airport to Chichen Itza is Cancun and then it is still several hours travel by car.  There are two noteworthy Mayan sites located within Cancun.

El Rey
El Rey

El Rey
El Rey

El Rey is located along the Hotel Zone of Cancun, tucked away behind large trees and a small sign.  For 43 pesos (per person) this hidden gem is an old Mayan village for exploration.  The area surrounding the structures is cut back leaving very little shade.  The site opens at 8 AM for the coolest temperatures.  There are plenty of signs in both Spanish and English translation.

View of modern hotel in the distance at the El Rey site
View of modern hotel in the distance at the El Rey site

The entire site takes less than an hour to walk and take a few photos.

2014-08-30 10.54.32
The Mayan Museum, Museo Maya de Cancun, is just down the street from the El Rey site.  The museum opens at 9 am, one hour later than El Rey, allowing for a full morning of Mayan history. At a mere 57 pesos, the entrance fee is one of the best bargains in Cancun!

Continue reading “Mayans in Cancun, Mexico | Exploring Mayan History Steps from the Beach”