Beginner’s Guide for Americans Visiting the UK

Traveling to England was my first real foreign travel, and my first real solo trip.  During college, I went to Mexico and the Bahamas with friends, but since I did not get a stamp in my passport it never seemed foreign (enough).  Traveling to the UK is a rite of passage for many Americans, usually following high school or college graduation.  Like me, it is often the first stamp in our passport and we finally get to travel abroad by crossing the pond, aka Atlantic Ocean.  The UK is notoriously expensive, but it is a great destination to take off those travel training wheels and start to explore this big, beautiful world.  Warning – I have made this crossing many times over the last 20 years and it is absolutely to blame for my wanderlust now.

As I find myself back in England after an eight year break, I am reminded of everything that I wish I knew before my first trip to Merry ole England.  Here is my Beginner’s Guide to London/UK, specifically for Americans.

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