Inspiring Travel and Wellness. Join me for adventures above and below the ocean, exploring nature, luxury travel experiences, spa and wellness activities.
Explore the incredible Art scene of San Juan, Puerto Rico at the Museo de Arts de Puerto Rico and the surrounding neighborhood.
Puerto Rico is known for amazing beaches and a variety of rum drinks, including the famous Pina Colada. What about Art? Today, I set out to explore the art scene in Puerto Rico, starting with the capital of San Juan.
My favorite, and the most luxurious theater in Phoenix is the Orpheum Theater in downtown Phoenix.
Home to performances from the Phoenix Theater League, comedians, and high quality shows. Capacity is less than 1400 seats, which means there really are no bad seats. Even mediocre views are easily avoided by skipping the last 10 rows lower level or last 5 rows on the balcony.
Originally opened in 1929 in the Spanish Baroque architecture style, the 1997 restoration gave the theater amazing acoustics and modern lighting while keeping the Roaring 20’s class. The theater itself is beautiful, with new details inside and out to be discovered during every visit.
Orpheum lower level seating looking up to the balcony
The seat rows are a smidge close (not as much leg room as Phoenix Symphony Hall). Seats on the interior aisle are a great option for taller people or anyone needing a little more room.
Beverage bars serving wine, coffee, and light snacks are open before and during intermission for performances. The bathroom lines tend to be short and fast moving. Every comfort is provided in the Orpheum. The ground level lobby is small, venture downstairs to the lower level bar (not always open), large area for mingling, and restrooms.
Performances at the Orpheum are a great excuse for date night, family afternoon matinees, girls’ night out, and more. Incorporate one of the nearby restaurants for the perfect dinner and a show event.
The Book of Mormon musical is on tour and finally in Phoenix!
A comedy musical written by the South Park (Trey Parker and Matt Stone) guys in collaboration with the song-writer (Robert Lopez) responsible for Frozen’s “Let It Go”, the Book of Mormon musical is irreverent, campy, cheeky, and wildly entertaining with songs that are catchy as Hell! Since opening in 2011, this show has won many awards and sat at the top of my Wish List for performances, it surpassed my expectations!
The story begins in the Missionary Training Center with the opening song “Hello” that was also the 2012 Tony Awards opening act. After completing training, the missionaries receive their location and companion assignments for the next 2 years. Our leading missionaries, (Elder Price and Elder Cunningham) are assigned to Africa, which prompts a heavy sprinkling of Lion King jokes and references throughout the performance. Continue reading “The Book of Mormon Musical”
Jack and I attended a performance of Chicago at ASU’s Gammage Theatre last week. I have seen the performance a few times and this was Jack’s first.
Jack’s view:
Regardless of the production, I have mixed feelings about Chicago as a narrative. This is a story bereft of a clear protagonist, or really any arguably positive, likeable, heroic character. Should I be cheering for Billy Flynn, the sleazy lawyer who defends guilty, murderous women using “Razzle Dazzle?” There’s a message here that’s intended to be communicated in all sorts of artsy glory by this lack of positive characters — something about how we’re all lying, cheating, self-serving sociopaths. Screw that. The last thing I want to be reminded by 2 hours of escapist theatre is that I’m a terrible person. I go to plays to forget that for a short time.
Fortunately, the unsavory lot of characters is redeemed by a wardrobe of skimpy, sexy costumes, hot bodies, and slutty dancing. Message: it’s okay to be bad if you’re hot. Damn right. If there’s one thing that an audience full of miscreants and sociopaths enjoys, it’s some cheesecake T&A.
This production was enjoyable. The chorus, costumes, and choreography were fantastic, and the orchestra impressive. Roxie was cast well. Amos stole the show (as he should) with Mr. Cellophane. The apparently famous person playing Billy Flynn owned the character, and the unique inclusion of the orchestra conductor as a character with comic lines proved a pleasant addition. Continue reading “Chicago at Gammage”
ASU’s Gammage Theatre hosts Broadway Across America productions, Awards ceremonies, Dance Troupes, and Musicians.
Inside ASU Gammage Theater
Gammage has a seating capacity of over 3,000 spread over lower level Orchestra and two balconies, referred to as Grand Tier (lower balcony) and Balcony (bring binoculars, it is nosebleed).
Seating is Continental style, with no center aisle. Lower seat numbers are closer to center, and the higher the number the more people will climb over you to get to their seats. There are very few seats that can clearly see the stage and hear the show thanks to poor acoustics.
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, the exterior resembles a fancy decorated cake from the side, and toilet bowl from overhead. Next time you fly into Phoenix Sky Harbor (PHX) airport, look for the toilet bowl shape near the Giant A near ASU campus.