Living in Puerto Rico | 9 Year Update

Puerto Rico is a US Territory, the currency is United States Dollars (USD), there are no VISA requirements for US citizens, and you can keep your phone number, so moving is easy. Living in Puerto Rico should be just like moving to another State, right? As it turns out, Living in Puerto Rico is very different than living in mainland (upper 48) USA.

This is my 9 year update of living in Puerto Rico!

Living in Puerto Rico - 9 year update with Jen There Done That

Puerto Rico is a US Territory, the currency is United States Dollars (USD), there are no VISA requirements for US citizens, and you can keep your phone number, so moving is easy. Living in Puerto Rico should be just like moving to another State, right? As it turns out, Living in Puerto Rico is very different than living in mainland (upper 48) USA.

This is my 9 year update of living in Puerto Rico!

Catch up with my 5 year update and early videos from my Move to Puerto Rico

Do you want more information on Moving to Puerto Rico?

Start Here with my Useful Guide for Moving to Puerto Rico

Healthcare and My Surgery Experience in Puerto Rico

Medical information and what Healthcare is like in Puerto Rico

Speaking Spanish in Puerto Rico

Do you speak Spanish? I thought I spoke decent Spanish, until I moved to Puerto Rico!

Cost of Living In Puerto Rico

The Cost of Living in Puerto Rico has increased substantially since I moved here. Here are some housing costs and overall living expenses in Palmas del Mar from May 2019, then an update when I moved to Cabo Rojo comparing housing & utility expenses to Palmas del Mar.

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